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Plano residents have been reporting Bigfoot sightings all over town. Here’s why



PLANO, TX – The reports of Bigfoot sightings across Plano are not part of some strange conspiracy theory. They’re the result of one man’s effort to draw attention to his race for city council — and give people a few laughs along the way.

Bill Lisle, one of five candidates for Place 7, said he came up with the idea of using statues of the hairy, ape-like legend for his campaign signs several months ago, when he started to plan his run.

“It’s an opportunity to show your creativity and ability to problem solve,” Lisle said.

The 7-foot brown metal statues of Bigfoot, a.k.a. Sasquatch, have the words “Bill Lisle for 7″ in white lettering down the center.

Lisle has had two previous unsuccessful runs for Plano City Council, in 2017 and 2019. His opponents in this year’s race, who have more traditional signs, are Julie Holmer, a small business owner; Chris Robertson, a middle school teacher and veteran; David M. Smith, who previously served on the council for three terms; and Sandeep Srivastava, a real estate consultant.

So why Bigfoot?

Lisle, who owns a real estate company and a Plano landscaping firm, said it’s fun and something people can relate to and recognize.

He said he gets questions daily about where he gets the Sasquatches and how much they cost. He bought them from CIMA Wholesale Marketplace in Canton for about $100 each, a price that can vary based on demand and availability, he said.

“I’m going to have Sasquatches large, small and tiny to drive more interest,” Lisle said. “The big Sasquatches will have a family with them.”

Election Day is May 1, and early voting starts April 19.
