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Gutsy diner waitress boots out homophobic customer for creeping on “underaged girls”



We all like to think we’d intervene if we ever found ourselves witnessing someone else being made to feel uncomfortable in public. Yet regardless of the setting – whether it be on the subway, in school, at work, or in a bar – stepping up and inserting yourself into a situation can be a daunting task. That said, sometimes it can be extremely important, especially when the ‘victim’ is particularly vulnerable.

A story is quickly going viral after a gutsy waitress working at Massapequa Diner in Long Island kicked out a creepy customer after he reportedly tried to give out his number to “underage girls”.

Not only that, but, as per the New York Post, the male in question loudly voiced anti-LGBTQ slurs and called his server a “b***h” repeatedly.

Louis Cozzolino, who filmed the incident on her phone, said the unidentified man was “staring at and trying to solicit his phone number” to a group of young girls at around 11 p.m. on Saturday. He then went on a homophobic rant.

After he was moved away, a waitress identified as Sondra Albert told him to leave.

“He was being repeatedly rude, calling her a b**ch,” Cozzolino, 21, explained. “Sondra is the nicest person ever and for her to get like that, I knew the guy was a p**ck.”

In the video captured by Cozzolino, Sondra can be heard saying: “Honestly, nobody wants to wait on you, we’re asking very nicely so please just leave.”

She continued: “You’re not going to call me a b**ch, you’re not going to sit near my boss’ wife, you’re not going to call people a lesbian — you sure as hell ain’t going to look at underage girls.”

Her words prompted a round of applause from the people sitting at Cozzolino’s table. The video has since been 6.8 million times on TikTok.

“I don’t want to look at underage girls,” the anonymous man can be seen replying in the clip.

But Sondra doesn’t back down.

“You’re a pedophile and freak and you deserve to be locked up in Bellevue,” she said. “And that’s all I gotta say and I’m asking you nicely.”

The police were later called after the man continued to refuse to leave, but he departed the restaurant before they could arrive.
