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Jury duty might become more ‘user friendly’ in Collin County with new software upgrade



PLANO, TX – Collin County has upgraded its “antiquated” jury management system in favor of technology from a Plano-based company.

The county recently implemented the new system to hold its first two in-person grand jury selections, as well as its first virtual jury trial this month, according to county officials. The county is using Plano-based Tyler Technologies’ Tyler Jury Manager to streamline its jury selection process.

“We were excited to work with Tyler again to implement a comprehensive, but still user friendly, jury management system,” Collin County District Clerk Lynne Finley said in a news release. “The system streamlines the jury selection process substantially and allows us to provide a better experience for jurors. It also helps us to better share information among court staff, making sure we are always up-do-date on case information.”

The workload required to manage the county’s previous system was “becoming overwhelming for such a fast-growing county,” the release said.

Now, the technology is helping to fast-track the county’s 25 courts operations. With the new software, the county can contact jurors via email or text message and remind them of upcoming jury duty. Staff can also alert jurors of any changes in status, such as weather cancellations or changes due to COVID-19 safety protocols. If a juror gets dismissed early, a real-time text notification can let the juror know before they even make the trip to the courtroom.“As requests for jurors began to exceed the maximum capacity of Collin County’s central jury room of 600 people, looking to technology instead of costly infrastructure seemed ideal for the county. We are hopeful that without expanding the jury room while still addressing the growing cases in our county and now the backlog of cases caused during the COVID-19 pandemic, technology will be the answer,” Finley said.
