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Texans are being asked to reduce their electric use as much as possible for the rest of the week



Plano, TX – According to the statement, electric demand was predicted to outpace supply Monday afternoon as temperatures soar into the triple digits throughout the state.

While there was enough supply to meet demand Monday morning, ERCOT’s daily outlook showed that demand could outmatch supply by the afternoon.

The conservation request is expected to last through Friday, June 18.

Under the conservation alert, ERCOT is asking residential consumers to:

  • Set thermostat to 78 degrees or higher
  • Close drapes and blinds
  • Turn off and unplug nonessential devices like lights, pool pumps, etc.
  • Avoid using larger appliances like ovens, dryers or washing machines

Businesses are also being asked to minimize their lighting and use of electric equipment, and large consumers should shut down or reduce non-essential production, according to ERCOT.

ERCOT added that every degree of cooling Texans use increases their energy use by 6 to 8%.
