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Frisco Vaccine Hub Administers 69,000 Doses Before Closing



FRISCO, TX – The City of Frisco vaccine hub has closed its doors yesterday, but prior to this moment the speed, dedication and exceptional service offered by everyone there never ceased to amaze the patients who got scheduled for their shots. And the number of vaccines given is amazing!

The very last shot was administered yesterday evening to Javier Gonzalez, from Garland, according to the City Hall. This final shot marked an important milestone for our city. Gonzalez’s shot was a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and it was numbered as the 69,926th shot given at the site!

The vaccine hub at Stonebriar Centre made a lifesaving difference

The establishment that worked as a clinic changed the life of the whole community and that of Texans in the whole state.

How many people got involved in the operations?

The team that handled every appointment and the operations at the hub was quite impressive. There were 700 City Hall employees, plus 111 firefighters paramedics. They all collaborated to have the vaccine clinic up and running for the immunization effort.

How many hours did it take?

Ever since the hub opened back on February 2 the people there put in 6,700 hours of work. And this was for the 24 days when the vaccine site was open.

Great venue, friendly environment full of care and respect

The city employees and the paramedics were not on their own. They enlisted help from two dozen FISD employees who volunteered their work at the clinic for the call center that was organized for spring break. They answered calls and emails, making clear all issues related to appointments.

There was also the Texas Army National Guard giving support with a total of 47 troops. They filled many positions, from greeting patients coming in at the door to administering the shots.

Everyone was willing and ready to help and all Frisco residents who had their shots there were happy with the respect and care they were shown. The team of specialists made the immunization go smoothly and as pleasantly as possible in the circumstances.
