Murphy Fire Rescue Annual Toy Drive Begins

PLANO, TX – Murphy Fire Rescue is hosting its annual toy drive beginning Monday, Nov. 16, until Sunday, Dec. 6, collecting toys for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County.
This year instead of dropping off toys at the fire station’s bays, the fire department has set up a no-contact drop off inside the Fire Department Administration entrance at 206 Murphy Rd. The drop off boxes will be located in the building’s foyer on the north end of the building, which faces Plano Sports Authority.
They are accepting new unwrapped toys for boys and girls.
Sadly, COVID-19 is preventing the traditional Santa visit inside the fire station; after all, he falls into the at-risk category given his age and diet of cookies and milk.
But the fire department will be also accepting toys during the city of Murphy’s Trail of Lights from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Dec. 4 and 5. Fire trucks will ignite their lights to signal the drop off points for toys.