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Plano Chamber receives 5-Star Accreditation



PLANO, TX – The United States Chamber of Commerce, at its board meeting this week, awarded the Plano Chamber of Commerce with 5-Star Accreditation for its sound policies, effective organizational procedures, and positive impact on the community.

“Each day, chambers of commerce across this nation play a critical role in their communities” said Raymond P. Towle, IOM, CAE, U.S. Chamber vice president of Federation Relations and Institute for Organization Management. “From connecting business owners with needed resources, to advocating on behalf of their region with lawmakers, these chambers convene thought leaders to strengthen the collective voices of their members.”

Accreditation is the only national program that recognizes chambers for their effective organizational procedures and community involvement. In order to receive Accreditation, a chamber must meet minimum standards in their operations and programs, including areas of governance, government affairs, and technology. This extensive self-review can take 6-9 months to complete.

“We are proud to continue the Plano Chamber’s history of excellence by securing re-accreditation at the 5-star level by the US Chamber,” stated 2020 Chair of the Board Lissa Smith. “While this is a remarkable accomplishment by our staff, board, and volunteer leadership, we are most proud of what this designation represents. Achieving 5-star accreditation reflects our organization’s commitment to providing the highest level of service to our members, business community, and community at large. We are proud of all that we have accomplished together so far and are dedicated to keeping Plano a premier community in which to live, work and play.”

“This is a true honor,” said Kelle Marsalis, president and CEO of the Plano Chamber of Commerce. “To see the work our members and staff put towards creating positive change in our community rewarded is amazing. The 5-star designation reinforces the strength of the Plano Chamber of Commerce from its 74-year history to the talented staff and board of directors of today.”

Local chambers are rated Accredited, 3-Stars, 4-Stars, or 5-Stars. State chambers are recognized as either Accredited State Chamber or Accredited State Chamber with Distinction. The final determination is made by the Accrediting Board, a committee of U.S. Chamber board members.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.
