Plano hospital sets up emergency room overflow area in lobby amid COVID-19 surge

PLANO, TX – Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Plano has set up medical tents in its lobby to expand its emergency department amid a significant surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations after the holiday season.
The eight tents are serving as an overflow area to treat non-COVID-19 patients.
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“We can treat eight patients at a time in the tents which expands the number of patients we can see given the increased demand,” Josh Floren, president of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano, said in a prepared statement.
The tents are easily accessible from the emergency department and offer privacy for patients, according to the hospital.
Since the tents began being used on Jan. 7, they have been staying full, according to the hospital. During the first day of operation, a total of 15 patients were treated in the lobby overflow area. The area is being used for emergency care during peak times, typically between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.
The tents are stocked with supplies and allows patients to be assessed and tested. Typically, patients are sent home with medications and instructions for follow-up care, the hospital stated.
“People should go to the ER or call 911 if they’re having what they think is an emergency,” Floren stated.
“ERs have the supplies, staff and expertise to care for people and do it safely during his pandemic,” he continued. “The tents are truly an extension of our emergency department and help us to continue treating patients during the pandemic surge.”