U.S. News
Plano to vote on city-wide mask mandate today

PLANO, TX – In an effort to impede the spread of COVID-19, the Plano City Council will hold an emergency meeting at 5:30 p.m. today to vote on an ordinance mandating that businesses in the city require their employees and customers to wear masks.
Under the ordinance, businesses that don’t institute and enforce a policy on face coverings could be fined.
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“Every day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense,” according to the proposed ordinance, which says that a business’ new health and safety policy “must require, at a minimum, that all employees and visitors to the business entity’s premises or other facilities wear face coverings when in an area or performing an activity which will necessarily involve close contact or proximity to co-workers or the public where six feet of separation is not feasible.”
Other provisions may include additional safety measures designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as temperature checks and health screenings.
Businesses will also likely be required to post the policy in an area that is easily seen by employees and visitors.
The proposed ordinance is subject to revision before the council votes.
Similar ordinances have been adopted in Dallas County and in Tarrant County in the last several weeks. McKinney’s mayor announced mask requirements in the Collin County city on Monday.