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DeSantis critiques Biden’s G7 appearance



Joe Biden traveled across the pond and made it clear that the era of ‘America First’ is over and that under his regime, America will always bend the knee to the global elite.

The nation’s 46th president may have stumbled around the G7 conference embarrassing the nation on the global stage. However, he and Dr. Jill did have tea with Queen Elizabeth much to the delight of a swooning media and his fellow world leaders.

Regardless of Biden’s sad condition, he soothed the hurt feelings and put a balm on the bruised egos of the likes of Merkel, Macron, and Trudeau. The leader who had met their match in former President Donald J. Trump were pleased to get back to business as usual.

While Biden may have received rave reviews from the G7 globalists, including from French President Emmanuel Macron who crowed that “It’s great to have a U.S. president who’s part of the club and very willing to cooperate,” the reviews weren’t so positive at home.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took aim at good old Joe from Scranton. As a serious candidate for a 2024 showdown with Biden and Kamala Harris if Trump chooses not to run again he critiqued Biden as being low energy and “passive on the world stage.”

According to DeSantis, “I think that his performance probably played well with European elites. Not sure that there was much in it for Middle America.”

The governor’s remarks came during an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox News who asked the Republican what his reaction was to Biden’s performance.

DeSantis responded “Well Maria, I think it’s quite a contrast from his predecessor, I think that President Biden is someone that’s much more passive on the world stage, not nearly as assertive as somebody like Donald Trump was,” he said; “I think his energy level is obviously much lower. And so I think that’s just something that people are sizing up. I think that our adversaries are watching that.”

He continued, “I didn’t hear very much in the way of holding China accountable for their role in covering up the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic,” DeSantis said, “I think that’s absolutely essential that China be held accountable for their role in that, as well as any bureaucrats in the United States who may have been covering it up.”

DeSantis pivoted to Biden’s failed economic policies, “They were talking economically a lot about other countries, he was talking about reducing energy production worldwide, and I couldn’t help but think, here in the United States, he’s leaving a lot of people behind. Look at all the workers he left behind by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, those were thousands and thousands of very good jobs.”

The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline officially pulled the plug on the project last week in a major victor for the Green New Deal extremists who are dictating Biden’s domestic economic and energy policies to him.

DeSantis also skewered Biden for putting the interests of European elites before those of citizens in his own country, “And then also think about family budgets, with the sharp increase in gas prices, and then the overall budding inflation that we are seeing that’s being fueled by his big-spending policies,” a reference to the massive “infrastructure” package that has less to do with roads and bridges than it does social engineering.

“So, I think that his performance probably played well with European elites. Not sure that there was much in it for Middle America,” he said.

Biden may have proclaimed “America is back at the table”. However, what he really meant is that those who are suffering from the Democrats’ lockdowns, skyrocketing gas prices, and massive inflation will only be getting the crumbs that are thrown to them by the globalist elite.
