Crime & Safety
Plano man arrested for causing injury to a child, assault of a public servant and more.

PLANO, TX – Plano police arrested a man for counts of injury to a child, assault family violence causing injury and assault on a public servant as they responded to a disturbance call on the 800 block of Warwick Drive on Monday morning.
According to an incident report, officers were dispatched to the location at 1:26 a.m. after a 911 dispatcher heard a caller repeatedly say, “Send help, my kids are here.” After the line disconnected, the dispatcher was unable to call back. As officers were en route to the call, dispatchers received a second call from a neighbor who said a man at the residence was intoxicated and “punching the alley garage.”
As an officer arrived at the property, a female reportedly approached him, yelling, “He took my baby.” She reportedly pointed toward a house between the 700 and 800 blocks of Cambridge Drive, where the responding officer heard an infant crying.
“I observed a Hispanic male wearing jeans and a pink shirt laying on his back on the mud,” the report said, while also noting that he was holding an infant, whose identifying information were redacted from the documents.
The man, identified as 35-year-old David Antu, reportedly told the officer, “I’m trying to keep my [redacted] safe.” The report stated that Antu had blood on his face and torso, and that the baby was also bleeding with facial injuries.
The officer reportedly called for backup and tried to convince Antu to put the infant down, but he refused, even as assisting officers arrived.
“Antu continued to fail to comply, and sat up before falling forward while he was holding [redacted] to his chest,” the document said.
Authorities allege that Antu also laid on top of his infant, of which the responding officer noted, “Antu is [six] feet tall and approximately 200 pounds, and was now laying face-down with [redacted] beneath him. I believed that Antu’s body weight could have smothered or suffocated [redacted], and I applied a pressure point to Antu’s neck in an attempt to get him to roll to his left off of [redacted].”
Police said when officers attempted to arrest Antu, he responded by using his elbow to strike the arresting officer in the mouth and continued resisting arrest.
“Even once Antu was successfully placed into handcuffs, he continued to attempt to struggle, and when I told him we were trying to keep [redacted] safe, Antu stated, ‘I couldn’t give two f**ks,’” the report said.
As the responding officer talked to a witness, three officers reportedly attempted to carry Antu out of the yard and into the patrol car, only for the suspect to allegedly attempt kicking the officers while threatening to stab them. Between his transport to the Plano City Jail and the booking process, authorities state that Antu remained uncooperative, for which they reportedly placed him in a padded jail cell.
Antu is being charged with counts of causing injury to a child, including two counts of intentionally causing bodily injury and one of recklessly causing bodily injury. He is also being charged with one count of assault family violence causing bodily injury, one count of resisting arrest, one count of assault on a public servant and one count of obstruction or retaliation.
Antu was held at Collin County Jail on a $48,500 bond with conditions. Jail records indicate that he posted bond and was released on Wednesday afternoon.